Coverage of 35K+ news sources worldwide
NewsGuard’s ratings cover more than 35,000 online sources across the web, social media and content platforms, TV and CTV networks, and podcasting platforms. The ratings cover publishers accounting for 95%+ of online engagement with news.
30+ data points about each rated news source
Each rated publisher receives a rating on each of NewsGuard’s criteria, a total reliability score of 0-100, an overall rating level, and more than 30 descriptive metadata fields with data about the site’s ownership, content, and operations.
Continuous updates to ensure accuracy
Ratings are refreshed regularly to ensure they remain accurate and up to date. NewsGuard’s team tracks changes in publishers’ content, ownership, domain-hopping, or other factors that could impact a publisher’s score — and monitors for new publishers to rate on a continuous basis.
Backed by detailed ‘Nutrition Label’ reports
The evidence supporting each rating is specified in a detailed report produced by NewsGuard’s analysts called a “Nutrition Label,” including specific examples of content causing a publisher to fail any of the rating criteria. Before publishing, NewsGuard’s analysts contact publishers, seek comment, and give them an opportunity to resolve issues or oversights.