NewsGuard for Public Libraries

NewsGuard partners with public libraries across the globe that receive free access to its media literacy browser extension and other educational resources. To learn more about the library partnerships, read the NewsGuard Library Partnership Overview, or get in touch to bring NewsGuard to your library.

“NewsGuard is far and away the best resource we have found that lets people evaluate just what the internet is bringing to their screens. That NewsGuard uses upfront criteria and highly qualified professionals in evaluating websites and makes these recommendations without hindering access in any way is just a real benefit to anyone using the internet today.”

Sean Farrell

Director of The Library of Hattiesburg Petal & Forrest County (Mississippi, U.S.)

“We are delighted to recommend the NewsGuard initiative to users of libraries across the UK. The unique alerts provided by NewsGuard to the provenance of news websites means that all computer users can be fully informed about the accuracy and source of the information they are reading, enabling them to take their own view about what they are reading.”

Stella Thebridge

Chair of the Association of Senior Children’s and Education Librarians (U.K.)

Bring NewsGuard to Your Library


Click the links below to download NewsGuard’s free resources for teachers, librarians, and parents hoping to use NewsGuard as a media literacy teaching tool.

  • NewsGuard Library Partnership Overview: This one-page overview provides a brief description about what a library partnership might include and outlines next steps.
  • NewsGuard Library Handout: This one-pager provides an overview of what NewsGuard is and how to use it. Many library partners leave this out next to computers to inform patrons about the service.
  • NewsGuard Library Installation Guide: Libraries seeking to install NewsGuard on their devices can reference this guide for information on installing the extension.