NewsGuard Investors

NewsGuard Technologies, Inc. is a legally registered corporation with offices in New York, NY.

Co-CEOs, Co-Editors-In-Chief and investors Steven Brill and Gordon Crovitz have governing rights in NewsGuard and control the editorial products of NewsGuard. Outside investors play no role in the determinations of ratings or the Nutrition Label write ups of websites, or any other aspect of NewsGuard’s content.

Outside investors in descending order of their ownership interest:

Eijk van Otterloo

Nicholas Penniman V

Frank Richardson

Nicholas Penniman IV

1898312 Ontario Inc. (Mark Simon)

Cox Investment Holdings, Inc.

Jules Kroll

John S. & James L. Knight Foundation, Inc.

John McCarter

Impact Assets

Ron Gruner

Michael Hill

Alex Michel

Estate of E. Garret Bewkes III

Fitz Gate Ventures

Diatoms, Inc.

Richard Cohen

Leslie Hill
Charlotte Hill

John F. Levy

Thomas Glocer

Tom Crotty

Whitney Hatch

Bruce Mehlman


Leo Hindery

Thomas Ridge

Revenue Sources: NewsGuard’s revenue comes from Internet Service Providers, browsers, search engines, social platforms, education providers, hospital systems, advertising agencies, brand safety providers, researchers, and others paying to use NewsGuard’s ratings and Nutrition Labels and associated data.