The power of truth in the era of disinformation: The European Union’s Italian Digital Media Observatory
Press Conference
Monday, September 20th at 11am CET
In the Sala Colonne of the Campus Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome, Viale Pola, 12
Live on Luiss Social TV: https://socialtv.luiss.it/
The European Digital Media Observatory, created by the European Commission with the goal of becoming a reference point for analyzing and countering disinformation, is launching a network of national hubs.
In this start-up phase, the national hubs have been financed with eleven million euros to fight disinformation in eight EU countries, studying the impact of disinformation on society and promoting positive practices in the use of online media through digital literacy and fact-checking.
The Italian hub, IDMO – Italian Digital Media Observatory, put together eight organizations under the coordination of Luiss Guido Carli University: news-rating service NewsGuard, national public broadcaster RAI, telco operator TIM, GEDI-La Repubblica media group, University of Rome Tor Vergata, research and consulting company T6 Ecosystems, and fact-checking organization Pagella Politica. The project also gained the support of the Alliance of Democracies Foundation, Corriere della Sera, Enel Foundation, Reporters Sans Frontières, and The European House Ambrosetti.
Speakers at the event:
- Luigi Gubitosi, CEO of TIM CEO
- Carlo Fuortes, CEO of Rai CEO
- Paola Severino, Vice President at Luiss
- Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for the Economy
- Luigi Di Maio, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
- Giuseppe Moles, Undersecretary to the President of the Council of Ministers
- Stefania Aloia, Deputy Editor in Chief at La Repubblica Gruppo Gedi
- Giuseppe Abbamonte, Media & Data Directorate for the European Commission
Coordinated by Gianni Riotta, Luiss DataLab and Master in Journalism and multimedia communication Director
Contacts: [email protected]